February 13, 2009

tea towell draw

i'm commentor 177 on the list
oh i hope i get picked from
your red box, the The Paste-UP Mechanic lying in your fist
i heart
your tea towels, form and line
this is so right on time
donno, cuz i'm 177 in the line.

In response to Giveaway (due to seasonal slackness)

August 17, 2007

You seem the same as always


Link was the one and only result from a YouTube search for "eva hesse".

One Letter from sol lewitt was the draw.

The second go round I got the music.

Very inspiring. Noted in lots of places, for now.

The poster, joaleonardo1974 is interesting.

Collection consists of world-wide beer and car commercials.

January 12, 2007

value I see

"...we moved on to learning about the Five Senses. We spent almost two weeks feeling different textures and talking about the sense of touch. It seems as though the children enjoyed this segment of the senses the most so far. They loved feeling the slimy inside of a pumpkin as well as crinkle paper, foam paint, bioputty, and more. It is fun for them to learn hands on about touch, and we encourage you to continue to explore this sense with them at home when you come across an interesting texture they may or may not have encountered before. Second, we explored the sense of hearing. We listened so well to all sorts of sounds. Traffic out of our window, instruments in out class, and voices are just a few of the noises we listened to. We talked a lot about noises that are soft, medium, and loud. Then, we moved on to the sense of sight. We are still learning about how we see with our eyes. To help understand this, we played games like Hide and Seek and I Spy. We also watched paint change colors when we mixed certain colors and looked through blocks of different colors to see how they change what we are looking at. We are looking forward to exploring the last two senses (taste and smell) over the upcoming weeks." Jill, Teacher, Green Room News, School for Friends

title & image> Belshaw, Doug (23 December 2006) Weekly Roundup (23 December 2006) - Remixing and connecting knowledge. teaching.mrbelshow.co.uk. Retrieved on January 12, 2007 from http://teaching.mrbelshaw.co.uk/index.php/2006/12/23/weekly-roundup-23-december-2006-remixing-and-connecting-knowledge/

January 3, 2007

Gravity is a most appropriate exemplar.

title excerpt: Renselle, Doug. March 23, 2006.Topic 17: Pages 90-97: A Review by Doug Renselle of Henri Louis Bergson's 'Time and Free Will,' 1st translated English version published in 1911.:. Retrieved January 5, 2007 from http://www.quantonics.com/Bergsons_Time_and_Free_Will_Topic_17.html

Doug Renselle